Graeme Wearden 

UK house prices fall; Takeover drama at Shire and Virgin Money – as it happened

All the day’s economic and financial news, including the latest on two takeover deals

The sun rises over the City of London.
The sun rises over the City of London. Photograph: Victoria Jones/PA

And finally..... our Money editor Patrick Collinson explains how Sir Richard Branson could make a large profit, if CYBG succeed in taking over Virgin Money:

Virgin Money traces its origins back to the 1995 launch of Virgin Direct, an investment business, but it was the takeover of Northern Rock in 2011 that propelled it into a large-scale operation.

As chancellor, George Osborne nearly four years after nationalising the bank at the height of the financial crisis. The price paid by a consortium of investors, led by Branson, was the UK taxpayer had injected into bank. Osborne said at the time that the deal represented value for money for UK taxpayers.

Branson’s consortium included the US billionaire, Wilbur Ross, now Donald Trump’s commerce secretary. It bought the “good” half of the bank, including its branch network, funded by retail deposits. The “bad” part of Northern Rock – which included its fabled 125% mortgages – remained in public hands, although defaults and losses have been much lower than anticipated.

That’s all for today. My colleagues in the US will be covering Donald Trump’s decision on Iran here:

Despite Shire’s best efforts, the FTSE 100 has ended the day down 1 point at 7565, a most underwhelming result.

Here’s our news stories on the main business events of the day so far:

Nick Field, Director at corporate finance adviser Livingstone, reckons that merging Virgin Money into Yorkshire Bank and Clydesdale would make sense:

‘Creating a ‘challenger’ bank of real scale with total assets in excess of £80 billion clearly has attractions. As both parties have relatively strong retail deposit franchises, the realisation of synergies on the asset side of the balance sheet and in operational costs will be key to drive value for shareholders in the merged group.’

‘The Virgin Money team have a great track record of execution having turned a legacy mortgage portfolio into a strong, growing consumer brand covering a range of financial products. The value of that strong brand and management is tangibly expressed by the price reaction to the offer, with Virgin Money enjoying a considerable premium whilst CYBG has slightly declined.’

Wall Street has opened cautiously, with the main indices dipping ahead of president Trump’s announcement tonight....

The oil price is likely to move sharply at 7pm UK time, when Donald Trump reveals his decision on Iran.

Ole Hansen, Saxo Bank’s Head of Commodity Strategy, says:

There are multiple options available to President Trump which makes this such a binary event where the price could move sharply in either direction. The three most likely options currently being mentioned are:

1) Waiver the sanctions again while allowing time to renegotiate the deal

2) A soft exit being the refusal to waive sanctions on Iran’s oil export. It would give companies 180 days to wind down their deals before sanctions are implemented. Furthermore it would provide the US and Europe more time to find a common ground.

3) A hard exit which could see Trump remove the waiver with immediate effect

The financial markets are becalmed today, with very little action to report.

In London, the FTSE 100 is up a mere 9 points at 7576 this lunchtime, as City traders abandon their terminals to sunbath.

The oil price is down a little, with Brent crude off 0.6% at $75.66 per barrel. Yesterday it reached its highest level since 2014, ahead of Donald Trump’s decision on whether to allow sanctions on Iran.

This would be the first step towards ending the nuclear deal agreed by Barack Obama’s administration (in which sanctions were lifted, in return for Iran halting its nuclear weapons programme).

Analysts fear that ending the deal could spark new tensions in the Middle East, and also destabilise the Iranian economy.

Trump, though, has long argued it’s a bad deal, and may now act.....


If Takeda can win shareholder support, then it will acquire Shire for 64.4% more than its value back in March.

Such a whopping premium shows that the Japanese firm is desperate for Shire’s pipeline of rare drugs, and its established sales in America.

Associated Press explains:

Shire gives Takeda a larger presence in the U.S. and expertise in rare diseases, an increasingly important area for pharmaceutical companies as patents on established drugs expire.

Even though Shire’s headquarters are in Dublin, it earns more than two thirds of its revenue in the U.S. on drugs like Adderall, which is used for ADHD.

Takeda, meanwhile, has like many Japanese companies been expanding overseas to compensate for slowing growth at home. Last year it bought Ariad Pharmaceuticals of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Takeda is valued at about $34 billion and makes almost half of its sales in Asia, and about a third in the U.S. Among its top sellers are Entyvio, used to treat ulcerative colitis, and cancer drug Leuprorelin.

In other banking news, Royal Bank of Scotland is refusing to abandon plans to close 50 branches in Scoland.

C EO Ross McEwan told MPs on the Scottish Affairs Committee that the decision was the “best way of going forward”, despite public anger over the plan.

“I do recognise that customers are very disappointed that their local branch is closing”.

“What we’ve done here with a package of different ways of operating with this bank is, I think, the best way of going forward, that we can keep those services to our customers as well as moving away from physical distribution when it’s just not being used.”

That’s not going to please RBS customers who find that their nearest branch has closed. In theory, new technology means less need for banks to maintain a physical presence on the high street; in practice, TSB’s tech meltdown has shown the problems with that approach.

Back in the City, Shire’s share price has dipped below the £40 mark.

At £39.90 (up 3.5% today), it’s further away from the £48 per share which Takeda has agreed to pay.

That underlines the fact that shareholders may not back Takeda’s offer, even though Shire’s board have accepted it. The Japanese firm will hope to change the City’s mind in the months ahead, and points out that the deal isn’t meant to complete until next year.

But Takeda certainly has work to do to pull off the biggest pharmaceuticals deal since 2000, as David Madden of CMC Markets explains:

Shares in Shire have been given a nice boost in recent weeks after Takeda made two unsuccessful bids for the company.

On the other side of the coin, Takeda’s share price has dropped over 30% since the January high, and given the negative market reaction to their pursuit of Shire, there may be some investors who are sceptical about the offer.

Another 35 workers have lost their jobs following the collapse of construction and outsourcing group Carillion.

The Official Receiver, which took control of Carillion after its liquidation in January, announced the bad news this morning. It means that almost 2,300 of the company’s 20,000 workers have been laid off, while 11,489 have been saved.

The news comes as MPs hold an investigation into the lessons that can be learned from Carillion.

Phil Bentley, the CEO of outsourcing group Mitie, told the Public Accounts Committee it was “very sad” to see more than two thousand people losing their jobs.

He argued that Carillion was brought down by problems at its construction arm - where cost overruns at several contracts created a “perfect storm”, claiming:

It’s not a failure of the outsourcing model.

Bentley also pointed to Carillion’s used of ‘off balance sheet’ instruments, which made it harder to tell the strength (or weakness) of its balance sheet.

Rupert Soames, CEO of outsourcer Serco, argued that the government should get some credit for its handling of the crisis.

Because ministers did their homework early, they were ready for the moment that Carillion “tried to put a gun to their head” and demanded support, explained Soames. The government didn’t cave in, as it knew what would happen if Carillion went into receivership.

I don’t know about a single hospital floor that been left uncleaned or a school meal that’s not been delivered, because the government did its contingency planning.

Soames defended the outsourcing model used in Britain today, saying there is close scrutiny of the private sector companies who help to run public services.

But other experts are more critical of outsourcers.

The Guardian’s David Walker, for example, told the committee that the cost savings have tailed off, the innovation promised by outsourcing firms hasn’t been delivered, and the promised transfer of risk from public to private sector hasn’t happened either.


With the UK housing market looking weak, there’s every reason for the Bank of England to resist raising interest rates at its monetary policy meeting on Thursday.

A few weeks ago, the BoE was widely expected to hike borrowing costs this month -- having dropped heavy hints that a rise was coming.

However, investors have rapidly changed their minds, following a flurry of disappointing economic data of late.

Sajiv Vaid, portfolio manager at Fidelity MoneyBuilder Income Fund, says the Bank of England is now in a fix.

If it raises Bank rate, it could panic the City. If it doesn’t, then governor Mark Carney will face fresh criticism for having hinted that rates were going up soon.

As Vaid puts it:

So, having raised expectations (not for the first time either!), the BoE now find themselves in an unenviable dilemma of “damned if they do and damned if they don’t...”, a horrible predicament for any central bank to find themselves in. The situation in the UK precisely highlights the difficulty global central banks face with signalling rate hikes in the post-GFC era. Remember, it took twelve months before the US implemented its second rate hike in December 2016.

Patience is key for the BoE at this stage and I’d argue there are lessons to be learned from the US, where the Fed, despite the long pause, has subsequently raised interest rates a further four times with their credibility remaining intact. We think a pause from the BoE is appropriate, given the domestic backdrop and signs that the frothiness in global GDP may well have stalled, which should provide a supportive backdrop for UK fixed income assets.

Here’s Bloomberg’s take on the UK hosing market:

Britain’s housing market has been cooling for the past two years, with London seeing the sharpest slowdown. Monthly mortgage approvals have slipped and reports point to waning interest from potential buyers.

“Housing demand has softened in the early months of 2018, with both mortgage approvals and completed home sales edging down,” said Russell Galley at Halifax.

House prices fall: What the experts say

The news that UK house prices fell last month has sent a shiver through the sector:

Jeremy Leaf, a north London estate agent, says Halifax’s figures are a blow - the housing market should be enjoying a spring revival, not subsiding.

Although a little historic, these figures are disappointing as there is a market of sluggish growth and transactions, despite still showing modest price rises. And yet we are entering what is supposed to be the busy spring buying season, which tends to set the tone for the rest of the year.

‘More recently, activity and listings have picked up but we are finding the market still quite sensitive and only those prepared to negotiate hard are moving on.

‘Now that interest rates are unlikely to go up this month, hopefully there will be more interest, and particularly from first-time buyers, to take advantage of competitive mortgage deals and realistic prices.’

Jonathan Samuels, CEO of property lender Octane Capital, reckons Brexit is hurting the market:

The property market is a mirror of the economy, lacking any real momentum and simply idling along.

While inflation has fallen and wages have been edging up, this will take time to filter through so it’s no surprise transaction levels remain low.

In recent years many households have taken on a lot of cheap debt and, despite the weak Q1 GDP data, remain wary of rising interest rates and the fast-approaching reality of Brexit.

Howard Archer of EY Item Club says the UK housing market is struggling to “gain traction”

We expect house price gains over 2018 will be limited to a modest 2%. At this stage, we expect prices to rise by 3% in 2019

The fundamentals for house buyers are likely to remain challenging. Consumers have faced an extended serious squeeze on purchasing power, which is only gradually easing. Additionally, housing market activity remains hampered by relatively fragile consumer confidence and limited willingness to engage in major transactions.

House buyers will also likely be concerned about further interest rate hikes over the coming months. While a rate hike in May now seems improbable, we suspect the Bank of England is still more likely than not to increase interest rates later this year and Bank of England Governor Mark Carney still indicated that the UK should prepare for “a few interest rate rises over the next few years”.

But....Neal Hudson of Residential Analysts says we shouldn’t get carried away by the monthly house price data:

Halifax: UK house prices fell in April

Newsflash: UK house prices took a nasty tumble last month, fuelling concerns that consumer confidence is weakening.

Prices fell by 3.1% during April, according to the latest Halifax house price survey -- the biggest monthly decline since September 2010.

That monthly data can be volatile so should be treated cautiously. But Halifax also reports that prices fell by 0.1% during the last quarter, and are only 2.2% higher than a year ago.

Economist Simon French of Panmure Gordon says house prices seem to be in a downward trend:

If Virgin Money does fall to CYBG’s takeover bid, it will lower the number of smaller banks trying to shake up British finance.

Sir Richard Branson created Virgin Money more than two decades ago. In 2011, the bank strengthened its position by buying the ‘good’ portion of Northern Rock for £747m.

Such challenger banks have had a bad press recently, with TSB bungling its move to a new IT platform.

As the FT’s Matthew Vincent puts it:

If the deal goes through, it would mean Virgin Money’s challenge to the UK high street banks comes to an end after just six years - having bought the old Northern Rock business after it was bailed out by the government during the financial crisis.

But, merging Virgin with Clydesdale and Yorkshire Bank could create a more powerful competitor, he adds....

CYBG would certainly gain scale from Virgin’s presence in the mortgage market and expand into credit cards. Virgin Money would gain access to current accounts and small business lending, which it has struggled to develop on its own organically

Virgin shares soar

Boom! Shares in Virgin Money have jumped by almost 10% in early trading.

Virgin’s shares are trading at 338p, valuing the company at £1.5bn -- close to CYBG’s takeover offer.

Rumours have been swirling for weeks that Virgin could receive a takeover offer.

This may explain why its shares rose last week, as Garry White of investment manager Charles Stanley points out:

City analyst Mike van Dulken of Accendo Markets has also spotted the gap between Shire’s share price and the Takeda offer...

Shire shares jump, but....

Shares in Shire have jumped by 5% in early trading, following the news that Takeda’s takeover offer has been accepted.

That takes them to the top of the FTSE 100 leaderboard.

However, shares are only trading around £40.50, while Takeda’s offer values Shire at a juicier £49 each.

That suggests the City isn’t convinced that this deal will actually get the green light from shareholders. There are concerns that Takeda will be forced to borrow heavily to finance the acquisition, which could undermine its credit rating.

Shire’s chief executive, Flemming Ornskov, says Takeda’s £46bn deal is in the best interests of shareholders.

Ornskov also claims it could help create better drugs for patients too.

“I would like to thank the entire Shire team for all that we have accomplished over the last five years to transform Shire into the leading rare disease biotech company and a tenacious champion for patients in need.

“I am confident that this relentless focus will enable us to continue delivering against our priorities throughout this process.

“With a truly innovative portfolio and pipeline, I believe that the combination of the two companies is in the best interests of shareholders and offers an opportunity to improve the lives of even more patients globally with rare and highly specialised conditions.”

The agenda: Takeda agrees Shire deal; Clydesdale wants Virgin Money

Good morning, and welcome to our rolling coverage of the world economy, the financial markets, the eurozone and business.

The City has got back to work after the long weekend with a bang, thanks to two takeover bids.

The big news is that Japan’s Takeda has just reached an agreement to buy pharmaceuticals group Shire, listed on Britain’s FTSE 100.

Takeda has agreed to pay £46bn (or $62.42bn) for Dublin-headquartered Shire, which produces the ADHD hyperactivity drug Adderall and also has a strong pipeline of treatments for rare diseases.

Shire’s board backed the deal, after Takeda agreed to boost the amount of cash in its offer.

According to Bloomberg, it will be the biggest overseas acquisition ever by a Japanese company -- assuming shareholders back the plan.

The offer is a 59.6% premium on Shire’s value on March 27, just before Takeda revealed its interest.

Christophe Weber, CEO of Takeda, says that acquiring Shire will help create “a stronger Takeda”.

Together, we will be a leader in providing targeted treatments in gastroenterology, neuroscience, oncology, rare diseases and plasma-derived therapies.

We are looking forward to the benefits this combination will bring to patients worldwide, the opportunities it will bring for our employees and the returns it will deliver for our shareholders.”

But as one deal reaches its conclusion, another is beginning...

Virgin Money, the UK challenger bank, has just received a takeover offer from the parent company behind Clydesdale Bank and Yorkshire Bank.

In a statement to the City, Virgin says:

Virgin Money Holdings (UK) plc (“Virgin Money”) notes the press speculation, and confirms that on the evening of 7 May 2018, it received a preliminary and conditional proposal from CYBG to acquire the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Virgin Money. Under the terms of the proposal, Virgin Money shareholders would receive 1.1297 new CYBG shares for each Virgin Money share. The Board of Virgin Money is in the process of reviewing this proposal.

There can be no certainty either that an offer will be made nor as to the terms of any offer, if made. Accordingly, shareholders are advised to take no action in relation to this proposal.

More on that shortly......

Also coming up today

Oil has hit a four-year high, as traders brace for Donald Trump’s decision on whether to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal decision.

UK foreign secretary Boris Johnson has flown to New York in a last-ditch attempt to sway the president. An announcement could come at 2pm New York time.

The UK stock market is expected to gain 13 points at the open, but European indices might dip:

Investors will also have one ear on Zurich, where the head of America’s central bank is speaking this morning.

Plus, we get a new survey of UK house prices....

Here’s the agenda:

  • 8.15am BST: US Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell speaks in Zurich
  • 8.30am BST: Halifax house price survey for April



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