Guardian Staff 

About Amazon Diaries – a Guardian series

In The Amazon Diaries, our anonymous insider takes us behind the scenes at an Amazon fulfillment center where workers are ‘an extension of the machine’


This content was made possible with funding by the Ford Foundation, as part of an in-depth reporting project on inequality across the United States. All content is editorially independent, and overseen by our special series editor, Alastair Gee, from the Guardian’s west coast bureau in Oakland. You can reach him at

All our journalism follows GNM’s published editorial code. The Guardian is committed to open journalism, recognizing that the best understanding of the world is achieved when we collaborate, share knowledge, encourage debate, welcome challenge, and harness the expertise of specialists and their communities. You can read more about content funding at the Guardian here.

The only restriction to the Guardian’s coverage is where the Ford Foundation is prohibited under US law from directly funding or earmarking funds to: (a) carry on propaganda, or otherwise to attempt to influence any legislation through an attempt to affect the opinion of the general public, or through communication with any member or employee of a legislative body; (b) conduct programmes to register voters; or (c) to undertake any activity for any purpose which is not exclusively charitable, scientific, literary or educational.

This means any communications to the public in which a view is expressed about a specific legislative proposal, and the recipients of the communications are urged through a “call to action” to contact government officials, must provide a reasoned, objective consideration of facts and issues in a full and fair manner that enables third parties to develop their own positions on any legislation that may be discussed.

Unless otherwise stated, all statements and materials, including any statements regarding specific legislation, reflect the views of the individual contributors and not those of the Ford Foundation or the Guardian.


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