Guardian community team 

Tell us: has your venue received noise complaints?

We’re interested in speaking to owners of UK hospitality and music venues about the impact of noise complaints

Noise complaints have risen in recent years
Noise complaints have risen in recent years Photograph: Alamy

Hospitality and music venues in the UK are receiving a rising number of noise complaints since the pandemic, according to the Night-Time Industries Association (NTIA).

We’d like to hear from owners and staff of independent pubs, bars and venues about the issue of noise complaints. Has the number of complaints changed in recent years? If so, why? How is it affecting your business?

We’re also interested in hearing from people who have recently submitted a noise complaint about a venue.

Share your experiences

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If you are 18 years or over, you can get in touch by filling in the form below or contacting us via WhatsApp by clicking here or adding +44(0)7766780300. Your responses are secure as the form is encrypted and only the Guardian has access to your contributions. One of our journalists will be in contact before we publish, so please do leave contact details.

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