Two popular industry stories today. has taken a look at recent console sales figures, bringing in IDC videogame analyst, Billy Pidgeon, to talk through the findings:
"I believe the Wii will continue strong growth although supply continues to be a problem," Pidgeon said. "I'd like to see Wii hardware shipping in larger quantities or mass market consumers may cool on it. Having said that, I don't believe supply will meet demand for the Wii until 2009. Xbox 360 and PS3 need system-selling games ASAP. Halo 3 will help, as will Lair and Heavenly Sword, but that leaves a hole in Q2 which will be filled by Wii, DS and PSP hardware and software. We'll also see more PC and PS2 software picking up the slack."
Elsewhere, has Gerhard Florin EA's executive VP of international publishing making some confusing comments about PS3:
"Look at the price in two years' time, and then you can say whether it's too high... Whether it's too high or not the consumer has to decide, but I don't think for the first year the price will be a problem which holds anything back"
Later he adds:
"The first two years will clearly be an open race, everybody will do very well. I believe all three [consoles] are worth supporting in different ways."
So, I think I get this. In 2009, we'll be able to judge whether the PS3 was too expensive two years ago, though Florin doesn't think it was, though it's the people who will decide. Oh and EA is keeping its options open.
Still, we've only got two years to wait until all this makes sense.