Kalyeena Makortoff 

China’s economic growth slowest in almost 30 years – as it happened

Rolling coverage of the latest business and economic news, as fresh data show Chinese GDP grew at its weakest rate since the early 1990s

Chinese people visit a shop at the Wangfujing shopping district in Beijing, China
Chinese people visit a shop at the Wangfujing shopping district in Beijing, China Photograph: Roman Pilipey/EPA

Closing summary

Chinese GDP figures set a negative tone for markets today, sparking fresh worries about how the slowdown might reverberate across the global economy.

  • But Brexit was still on the minds of currency traders, as comments from Bank of England deputy governor David Ramsden suggesting a rate rise would still be on the cards in a smooth Brexit scenario, propped up the pound (at least temporarily)
  • European carmakers were separately taking a hit after Renault cut its sales and profitability forecasts last night, sending Renault, Daimler and Fiat Chrysler shares lower
  • The CMA also told Nationwide to compensation thousands of customers up to £2m collectively, after failing to properly inform them about PPI contracts
  • The Serious Fraud Office then announced that its investigation into Libor manipulation has come to a close, drawing a line under a scandal that has cost billions of pounds worth of fines, led to job losses and the jailing of UBS trader Tom Hayes

All eyes will now turn to tomorrow’s historic Saturday sitting in Parliament, where MPs will vote on Boris’ Brexit withdrawal deal.

Expect some currency volatility if his plans sour.

Try to have a good weekend – we’ll be back on Monday.

It’s a subdued open for US stocks, with all three major indexes starting the American trading session nearly flat:

  • Dow Jones -0.04%
  • S&P 500 -0.05%
  • NASDAQ -0.05%

Little can be done about China’s slowing growth - it’s natural.

That’s the view of Stefan Legge, lecturer, economist and trade expert from Switzerland’s University of St. Gallen.

He says there’s no way a country like China should be expected keep up its previous rate of growth:

No country in history has achieved the track record of GDP growth that China has shown. According to data from the World Bank, China’s GDP has grown by more than 3.9% in every single year since 1977. Even the Southeast-Asian tiger countries did not achieve this.

Long run growth in GDP is driven by resource accumulation and mobilisation as well as by innovation.

Legge adds:

In China, due to population ageing the labor force is already on a shrinking trajectory and there is little that can be done about it. Capital accumulation (that is infrastructure or machinery) faces decreasing marginal returns: the first highways and railways generated more economic growth than current projects.

Finally, improvements in productivity through innovation is much harder and slower than through imitation. China has reached a middle-income status and most countries face slowing GDP growth at this point.

In sum, it is natural to expect China’s economy to grow at a slower rate in the coming years – even in the absence of a trade dispute with the United States. There is little insight in calling every new GDP growth figure ‘the lowest in thirty years’.

Once it’s on Twitter, it’s official.

Christine Lagarde has been formally appointed as the incoming head of the European Central Bank.

She even tweeted a photo with Mario Draghi himself to mark the occasion.

UK fraud office draws a line under Libor manipulation probe

The Serious Fraud Office has announced that its investigation into Libor manipulation has come to a close.

It means there will be no further charges in the case.

The move effectively draws a line under the scandal, which saw bankers manipulate the Libor interest rate benchmark that set the price banks would pay to borrow from each other.

It led to billions of pounds worth of fines, job losses and the jailing of UBS trader Tom Hayes.

Here’s the SFO’s statement:

More from my colleague Phillip Inman on the UK construction data covering 2018 out today.

Worth noting the “astonishingly high” average weekly pay for workers recorded last year:

Construction-related employment in Great Britain increased by 2.8% in 2018 to reach its highest level on record, with the South East, London and the East of England contributing 41.1% of total employment.

And average weekly earnings increased to £635.66 per week in December 2018, well above the £496 weekly pay of the average worker and second only to the finance and business services sector.

This astonishingly high pay is stunning when the Labour productivity figures show that productivity, as measured by output per hour, fell by 4.8% in 2018 compared with the previous year.

The industry also contributes to the UK’s huge trade deficit, importing more construction materials and components than it exports to the extent that it reached £10.6bn in 2018, with imports being more than double the value of exports.

A window into the UK construction industry

Guardian economics writer Phillip Inman has been looking at construction figures for 2018 released today from the Office for National Statistics.

The ONS has opened a window on the construction industry that goes to show how it works to its own rules. And how dependent it is on the public sector.

The figures for 2018 reveal that the value of new work across the industry reached its highest level on record at £113.1bn. This was driven by growth in public sector work of £2.7bn. The private sector only accounted for £750m of the increase.

However, while its backlog of work meant the industry was booming, new orders fell by 13.2%, or £9.3bn, the first annual decline in growth seen since 2011. We have seen this year that the fall in new orders translated into a long recession in the sector.

He adds that the number of construction firms surged to their highest level on record in 2018, with 325,736 registered firms operating in Great Britain in 2018.

That’s an increase of 11,146 (or 3.5%) compared with the previous year. But don’t get too excited:

The suspicion must be that many of the “firms” were phoenix-like operations that had risen from the ashes of “bust” firms, or more likely firms that exploited lax procedures at Companies House to disappear and rise again.

The construction sector suffered 3,202 insolvencies, which is the highest of any sector in 2018 and a 14.7% increase on the 2,792 insolvencies seen in 2017.

The US dollar is set for its worst week in almost 4 months against a basket of global currencies, after being hit by Brexit-related rallies of both the pound and euro.

Depending on the outcome of Saturday’s vote in Parliament, that steady decline could continue into next week.


Boris Johnson has penned an open letter to British business, praising not only his own deal but also the “inspiring” and “hard working” business community.

The Sun’s deputy political editor quips it’s a shift in tone from the PM:


Competition watchdog cracks down on Nationwide over PPI breach

The PPI story keeps rolling on and on and on...

This time the Competition and Markets Authority has ordered Nationwide to refund more than 7,000 customers who either did not receive or were sent inaccurate information reminders about payment protection insurance.

It meant people didn’t have the proper info to help them decide if they wanted to continue paying PPI, or were misled into thinking their PPI was cheaper than it actually was.

The CMA has also told Nationwide to make sure it has the proper procedures in place to make sure similar problems don’t happen again.

The watchdog said:

Nationwide has broken the rules by not sending essential PPI reminders to their customers. 8 years on from our legally-binding order, it is simply unacceptable that the CMA is having to remind Britain’s biggest banks of their legal obligations.

Nationwide has failed its customers by denying them important information, and the directions we’ve issued today will lead to affected customers receiving the refunds they deserve.

Such breaches are serious and, if we had the extra powers we’ve proposed to the government, could have resulted in fines.

This come comes more than six weeks after the PPI complaints deadline at the end of August.

Intercontinental Hotels Group is one of the worst performers on the FTSE 100 (down 2.8%) after the Holiday Inn-owner reported a 0.8% drop in Q3 revenue per room.

It blamed lower business bookings in China and the ongoing protests in Hong Kong for the drop.

And there’s a link to economic growth here, with the slowdown in global expansion impacting business travel worldwide.

Rival Hilton recently warned that revenue would be hit by lagging Chinese growth and the US-China trade war, while AccorHotels narrowed its full year profit guidance on similar concerns.


An interesting tweet from Capital Economics, highlighting the increased importance of China in global trade today, compared to the early 1990s:

The pound is now flat against the US dollar at $1.288 but its temporary lift this morning was chalked up to comments from Bank of England deputy governor Dave Ramsden.

In an interview with Bloomberg, Ramsden took a slightly more hawkish tone than some of his colleagues, saying that he still saw a case for gradually increasing interest rates...that is, if the UK manages a smooth exit from the EU:

The kind of guidance we’ve been giving - in the world of a deal it still applies.

Referring to the BoE’s long-standing guidance on rates, Ramsden added:

We’re not saying over what timeframe, but limited and gradual (rate increases) is a reasonable qualitative framing.

While some analysts are betting that China’s central bank, the PBOC, will be more willing to ease monetary policy on the back of weaker GDP, we’ve got some contrarians in the mix.

Case in point: Stephen Innes, AxiTrader’s Asia-Pacific market strategist. He says:

While the weaker China GDP suggests an economic pull to ease monetary policy to support the real economy... a 6 % GDP won’t necessarily add to the case for urgent stimulus, as the 6.0-6.5% range is with the government’s annual target, and so far China is facing limited risk in breaching this for the year.

If there’s one thing China’s massive army of retail equity investor like it’s the thought of easy money from the PBOC. Unfortunately for China stock market investors, the PBOC are not so willing at this stage.

Innes adds that, away from the stock markets, many traders appear less concerned about the Q3 GDP figures:

Currency and rates traders aren’t getting bent out of shape by backwards-looking data. Instead, they remain focused on what lies ahead, which is hopefully the US administration scrapping some of those tariffs which would be an unmitigated positive for global growth.

After hitting a five-month high against the US dollar on Thursday amid Brexit deal hopes, the pound is continuing to hover at $1.29.

Versus the euro, sterling is trading at €1.158.

But Naeem Aslam of Think Markets reckons the rise won’t last long (depending on the outcome of Parliament’s much-anticipated vote on Johnson’s withdrawal deal on Saturday, of course)

Sadly, traders aren’t going to get much pleasure to enjoy the Friday feeling or get any sleep over this weekend because of the chaotic Brexit situation.

We think this could be a chance to go short on Sterling. If the deal is rejected in Parliament, sterling is likely to fall off the cliff due to a no-deal Brexit threat.

On the flip slide—only if a miracle happens—the deal gets green light in parliament, the sterling-dollar is going to shoot above the 1.35 mark—something we said yesterday.


EU goods start facing new US tariffs today

While China’s economic growth is suffering the effects of a trade war with the US, the EU is from today facing a new set of tariffs on American-bound exports.

As my colleague Jasper Jolly writes:

British manufacturers of products ranging from Scotch whisky to biscuits and Savile Row suits are braced for a significant financial hit after US tariffs came into effect in retaliation for subsidies given to aerospace manufacturer Airbus.

Tariffs of 25% came into effect at midnight on the US east coast (5am BST), damaging small businesses with few links to a 15-year aerospace industry battle between Airbus, the European champion, and American rival Boeing.

A broad variety of products across the EU have been hit by the tariffs, including French wine, Italian parmesan and Spanish olives.

Read the full story here:


It’s been a pretty lacklustre start to the Friday session across European markets:

  • FTSE 100 -0.15%
  • CAC 40 -0.42%
  • DAX +0.07%
  • FTSE MIB +0.25%

Connor Campbell, a financial analyst at SpreadEx, said it’s an understandable reaction to the Chinese growth figures:

As the pound holds its breath ahead of ‘super Saturday’, the markets dealt with another disastrous – well, relative to the country’s usual performance – figure out of China.

Coming in at a worse than forecast 6.0%, China’s third quarter GDP reading saw growth at its lowest for nearly 3 decades... The country is clearly continuing to feel the trade war squeeze, putting all the more pressure on the so-far insubstantial – and uncertain, given the dispute over Hong Kong – ‘partial trade deal’ announced last weekend.

Over in Europe, carmakers are taking a hit after Renault cut its sales guidance and profitability forecasts.

Renault made the admission after yesterday’s close and markets are now getting a chance to react to the news, sending shares down -11% and making it the worst performer on the CAC 40.

The company said yesterday that sales were likely to drop between 3-4% this year, while its operating margin was set to come in at 5% compared to its previous target of 6%.

Carmakers have been struggling with falling demand in key markets like China, while straining to meet European emissions requirements and invest in new tech to producer cleaner car models.

It’s the latest challenge for Renault, which recently ousted its CEO Thierry Bollore as part of a leadership overhaul. The company has been trying to draw a line under a scandal linked to former boss Carlos Ghosn, who is alleged to have misused company funds.

The knock on effects of Renault’s sales warning has sent Fiat Chrysler shares down -2.4% and Daimler down nearly 2%.


Chinese stocks haven’t fared well in the wake of the GDP data, with the Shanghai Composite Index dropping by -1.2%

Elsewhere, Hong Kong’s Heng Seng fell -0.46%, while Japan’s Nikkei 225 rose +0.18%.

Introduction: China's economic growth misses forecasts

Good morning, and welcome to our rolling coverage of the world economy, the financial markets, the eurozone and business.

While uncertainty over Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal hits front pages in Europe, China’s slowing growth is dominating news out of Asia.

Fresh figures released overnight show Chinese GDP grew just 6% between July and September. That’s less than economist forecasts for 6.1%, slower than the 6.2% expansion recorded in the previous quarter, and is the lowest level recorded since the early 1990s.

While that’s still within the Chinese government’s 6.0-6.5% target range, it’s a stark reminder that Beijing’s superhuman growth can’t last forever.

Unsurprisingly, the country’s trade war with the US has taken a toll on the Chinese economy, which is also struggling to drum up enough domestic demand to support its growth.

There was a notable improvement in Chinese industrial production in September, which grew 5.8% year-on-year in September compared to 4.4% in August while retail sales came in at 7.8% compared to 7.5% a month earlier.

But the headline figure for third quarter growth has still raised the likelihood that Beijing will resort to interest rate cuts or other stimulus measures to give the economy a bit of a boost.

You can read more here:

Meanwhile, the EU summit continues in Brussels, and across the pond, IMF and World Bank meetings in Washington start to wrap up.

The agenda

  • 09:30am BST: UK government debt and deficit figures for June
  • 09:30am BST: UK construction statistics
  • 6:45pm Bank of England governor Mark Carney speaking at “Governor Talks” IMF event

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