Arun Advani, David Burgherr and Andy Summers 

Rationale behind abolition of 45p tax rate reflects failed ideology

Figures show the cut to top tax rate will not reduce avoidance, bring people to the UK or make people work harder

Kwasi Kwarteng
The blame for the economic crisis falls squarely on Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini-budget last Friday. Photograph: Maja Smiejkowska/Reuters

It has been quite a week for UK economic policy. Lenders pulled 1,000 mortgage packages in a day, the Bank of England was forced to intervene to avoid pension funds going bust, and the pound hit a record low against the dollar despite the chancellor’s insistence that his plan for growth “will work”.

The blame for all this falls squarely on last Friday’s “mini-budget”. Kwasi Kwarteng used it to propose radical tax cuts, with no suggestion of how they would be paid for. Nothing signalled the government’s new priorities more clearly than the surprise abolition of the 45p top rate of income tax.

This top rate is paid by only half a million people – about 1% of adults – but raises around £6bn. Commentators immediately seized on the fact that cutting it by 5p was handing a benefit to those with incomes of at least £150,000, the threshold at which the rate starts to apply.

But it is worse than that. Our analysis shows that more than two-thirds of the total tax saving will go to those with an annual income over £500,000 each – just 0.1% of adults. In fact, incomes are so concentrated at the very top that cutting the 45p rate will hand a £1bn windfall to Britain’s richest 2,500 individuals. That’s an average of £400,000 each.

In a cost of living crisis where low earners are struggling more than ever, there would need to be some very big economic upsides to justify this largesse. Kwarteng put forward a three-pronged argument, stating that “the higher the tax, the more ways people seek to avoid them [sic], or work elsewhere, or simply work less”. So, let’s look at the evidence.

First, there’s no doubt that when the rich are handed easy opportunities to minimise their tax, they – like most people – take them. Although headline tax rates rise with income, the super-rich often pay lower effective rates than those on modest incomes, because they can take the money as dividends or capital gains, which face lower rates. Cutting the top rate of income tax to 40% will not stop this behaviour, since the top dividend tax rate has also been cut, and some gains can still be taxed as low as 10%.

And if stopping avoidance were really the objective, the design of this reform is about the worst way to achieve it. The chancellor chose to pre-announce the future tax reduction, which will naturally lead to bankers holding over bonuses and company owners delaying dividends until the new tax year, when the rate is lower. The government knows this, because it is built into the Treasury’s own costings of the reform.

Second, the government cites lower tax rates as key factor in attracting and retaining “top talent”. In recent work, we tested this by studying the impact of a big tax increase on non-doms that was introduced in 2017. Non-doms are among the richest and most internationally connected people in the UK. If anyone were going to migrate to save tax, it would be them. In fact, we find that hardly any non-doms left as a result of the reform. A 10 percentage point increase in tax led to just 0.2% of non-doms leaving.

To most people, this makes intuitive sense: part of the point of being rich is that you get to live where you like, rather than worrying about where is cheapest. An obsession with top tax rates paints a bleak picture of why people move that isn’t consistent with past experience or the international evidence.

So what of the third justification: will cutting the top tax rate grow the economy by getting top earners to work more and harder? Our new prime minister and chancellor famously described the UK’s citizens as among the worst idlers in the world, but perhaps they didn’t have top bankers and lawyers in mind. More than 60% of the latest tax cut will go to those working in high-paid jobs in finance and professional services.

To be sure, some of these individuals will respond by working harder, but if you were already paid more than £1m a year, would you? The economic evidence suggests that the “work effects” of top tax cuts are small, especially compared with tackling the high marginal rates that continue to afflict those on lower incomes, such as workers having their universal credit withdrawn.

The cut to the top tax rate won’t reduce avoidance, bring people to the UK, or make people work harder. That’s what the data say, and it is what everyone else knows. The markets of which the government are so enamoured have made their judgment plain, to the cost of us all.

Arun Advani at the University of Warwick’s Cage Research Centre, and David Burgherr and Andy Summers at the London School of Economics’ International Inequalities Institute


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