Coalition and Greens urge Labor to introduce powers to break up Coles and Woolworths duopoly Parties call for intervention after ACCC report found Australian grocers among most profitable in world amid cost-of-living crisis
Aldi’s expanding profit margins mightn’t sit well with fans ACCC finds the German ‘hard discounter’ has, like Coles and Woolworths, lifted post-pandemic margins to shoppers’ detriment
ACCC urges reform as Coles and Woolworths named among ‘most profitable’ supermarkets in world A 441-page report calls for 20 recommendations, including greater transparency around prices, special offers and ‘shrinkflation’
The Body Shop’s suppliers to receive no more than a quarter of £219m owed Administrators say unsecured creditors also including landlords and charities will get only between 16% and 27%
Norway’s sovereign wealth fund buys a quarter of London’s Covent Garden Shaftesbury Capital sells stake in estate, which includes shops, market and transport museum site
Rate of UK shop closures expected to rise after budget tax changes – report More than 12,800 stores shut in 2024, down on 2023, but extra costs expected to take toll this year, study suggests
Why does Asda terrify stock market investors? Markets could be overreacting to supermarket price war fears as Tesco, Sainsbury’s and M&S shares slide
AI and US tariffs expected to fuel fresh surge in secondhand fashion sales Use of hi-tech search tools enables shoppers to find items they want, while trade war pushes up prices of new clothes
Ikea to open Oxford Street store in May after 18-month delay Swedish furniture retailer’s arrival is seen as crucial to hopes of reviving the London shopping street
Tesco, Sainsbury’s and M&S shares take £4bn hit amid Asda price war fears Asda claims to have ‘pretty significant war chest’ but analyst says it is unclear if it can commit to months of cuts
What next for Mike Ashley’s patchwork retail empire? The tycoon’s Frasers Group faces a tricky next chapter after decades of relentless deal-making
Price of instant coffee rises by up to 40% in a year for some brands, Which? finds Increases of at least 8% also found across 11 out of 12 brands in first two months of 2025, compared with year earlier
Asda to invest in price cuts to battle drop in sales and market share Supermarket chain’s sales drop 1% to £21.7bn despite food price inflation of 3% for most of 2024
European shares reverse gains as trade war fears escalate – as it happened Donald Trump threatens 200% tariff on EU wine, champagne and other alcohol
John Lewis profits triple to £126m but hopes for staff bonus dashed again Cash reward at staff-owned group ruled out for third year in a row, with focus on £600m plans to transform business